For 100 native Australian foods, information on the nutritional content, phytochemistry, biological activity, ethnobotanical uses, and key knowledge gaps has been incorporated into the Indigenous Food Database.

Complete nutritional profiles were generated for three species: grey mangrove fruit, Moreton Bay fig shoots, and river red gum lerps

Macronutrient components required for a basic nutritional information panel were assessed as well as key vitamins, minerals and antioxidants which may indicate potential health benefits. Both grey mangrove fruit and Moreton Bay fig shoots require processing to make them palatable, so the effects of two processing techniques were compared.

Processed Moreton Bay fig shoots were high in total dietary fibre and could be considered a good source of calcium. Concentrations of vitamins and minerals were generally comparable between the two processing methods, but processed mangrove fruit did not contain macronutrients, vitamins or minerals at sufficient levels for making nutrient or health claims under the Food Standards Code. In general, macronutrient levels were lower in processed mangrove fruit compared to raw fruit and considerable amounts of folate were lost through processing of both mangrove fruit and fig shoots.

Processed mangrove fruit and fig shoots can have antioxidant activities at levels comparable to blueberries, but the lerp sample had low antioxidant capacity. Lerps collected from river red gums were an excellent source of vitamin C and were high in iron. Based on evaluation of metal contaminants, the foods are safe for human consumption.